Selected Projects

Prediction of product characteristics in the OTTO eCommerce shop

Role: Machine Learning Engineer
Technology: Python pyTorch Keras Java Spring Boot JPA Kafka KStream AWS PostgreSQL
Duration: 01.2022 - 06.2023

I build and evaluated machine learning models to predict product characteristics. One of my notable achievements includes developing a multi-output neural network that was successfully deployed in production, enriching millions of products. In addition, I extended and created several streaming services (stateful and stateless) and contributed to their functionality and scalability, allowing millions of products and predictions to be processed efficiently.


Open Source

Role: Product Owner and Technical Lead
Technology: Python React Redux JavaScript material-ui Three.js Kubernetes
Duration: 03.2021 - 08.2021

Mainly product development, project management and sprint organization. Worked on refactoring monolitihic legacy codebase into component-based UI framework.

Cloud Harness

Open Source

Role: DevOps Developer
Technology: Kubernetes Helm Go template Python
Duration: 01.2021 - 03.2021

Infrastructure facilitator powered by Kubernetes and Helm charts. Wrote Helm templates and improved Python scripts that generate Helm charts based on yaml config.


Open Source

Role: Full-stack Developer and Project Manager
Technology: Python Jupyter Hub Jupyter widget React Redux JavaScript material-ui Kubernetes
Duration: 11.2020 - 08.2021

Designed and implemented a feature to enable parallel simulations, consisting of UI views to configure simulations and backend logic to manage and execute simulations in multiple processes. Communication with client and sprint organization.

Computational Modeling of Excitatory-Inhibitory Networks

Master thesis turned into a paper, supervised by Dr. Christoph Metzner.

Open Source

Technology: Python Brian2 Mopet Jupyter Notebook Matplotlib
Theory: Computational Neuroscience, Spiking Neuron Models, Synaptic Communication, Gamma Mechanisms, Phase Synchronization, Parameter Exploration
Duration: 05.2020 - 10.2020

I investigated the noise-induced synchronization of interacting excitatory-inhibitory networks. My research was motivated by (1) the importance of gamma rhythms in cognitive functions and (2) the observed disturbances of synchronization in the gamma band in mental disorders.

Content Intelligence Platform

Product Page

Role: Lead Developer / Project Manager
Technology: Python Flask spaCy Gensim Pandas sklearn nltk Elasticsearch Jenkins Kubernetes MongoDB Airflow AWS S3 React Typescript
Concepts: text preprocessing, feature extraction, entity recognition, scoring & weighting models, phrase detection, recommendation models (content-based, collaborative, hybrid)
Duration: 05.2018 - 04.2020

I worked on improving workflows in the publishing domain by using NLP and unsupervised Machine Learning methods. Implemented use cases include: topic discovery and seasonal topic detection, content recommendation, in-site link optimization.

News Article Recommender System

Role: Lead Developer
Key Points: Recommender System, CI, Backend Development
Technology: Kotlin Spring Boot Elasticsearch MongoDB Docker Jenkins Node JavaScript mitmproxy Kubernetes
Duration: 07.2017 - 08.2018

Designed and implemented a recommender system based on text similarity. I used Elasticsearch as a foundation and implemented a diversification algorithm (Maximal Marginal Relevance) on top.

Scalable and Automated Content Migration Platform

Role: Lead Developer
Key Points: Data-intensive applications, Cloud-based, REST-API
Technology: Technology: Java 8 Kotlin Spring Boot Docker MongoDB AWS ECS AWS SQS AWS S3 AWS CloudWatch Jenkins 
Duration: 04.2017 - 04.2018

Designed system architecture, implemented a backend and scalable priority job queue by using Spring Boot and AWS ECS to process large amounts of data on demand.

News App for Channel NewsAsia

Role: iOS Developer
Technology: iOS Swift RxSwift Protobuf Realm R.swift Sketch
Duration: 06.2016 - 03.2017

Implementation of an iOS news app with strong performance requirements, caching and offline-mode.

Content Migration Tool

Role: Lead Developer
Technology: Java 8 Jenkins Maven Imagemagick JAXB XML Mockito Pdfbox
Duration: 11.2014 - 06.2017

Implemented complex transformation of various content formats to the company’s proprietary XHTML format, which resulted in many customers switching from competitors’ products to the company’s product.

Real-Time Soccer Analysis Platform

Role: Backend Developer
Technology: Java 8 Kotlin AWS (Lambda, S3, Dynamo DB) Serverless framework

READTHEGAME provides real-time insights into soccer matches by analyzing event streaming data from the Bundesliga and applying statistical methods to derive metrics which are then displayed in widgets.

Fundraiser Tablet App for Ärzte ohne Grenzen e.V.

Role: Android Developer
Technology: Android Java 7 Dagger 2 Retrofit 2 Butter Knife 7 RX
Duration: 10.2015 - 02.2016

Implementation of an Android tablet app that enables employees of the aid organization to collect donations in an efficient way and review their own performance.

Gym Tablet App for High5 (McFit)

Article by SPRYLAB

Role: iOS and Android Developer
Technology: Android Java JavaRx iOS Objective C ReactiveCocoa
Duration: 12.2014 - 05.2015

Implemented an Android tablet app and afterwards an iOS tablet app that allows users to register, manage their membership and check into the gym with their membership card.